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Relationship / Life Coaching

Dating with a Purpose: Relationship Coaching for Dating Individuals or Couples

Are you a single searching for a lifelong meaningful companionship? Is it your dream to have a blissful family of your own? Have you tried dating applications and programmes in the market and are disappointed with the outcome? Are you trying to figure out how you should proceed in your dating life?

Are you a dating couple hoping to set yourselves in the best footing for a future together? Do you wish to minimise heart aches? Do you wish to end the search and hope to be happily married ever after in a realistic way?

Relationship and Life Coaching NGNR

Are you someone who has gone through heartaches in your growing up years in your family? Do you hope to avoid facing such similar problems in the family that you wish to set up with your spouse?

Are you a dating individual feeling doubtful about your current relationship? Do you feel the pressure to proceed with marriage even though there are nagging uncertainties?

We would like to help you with this journey. Talk to us as we provide relationship coaching services to help you build the necessary relational skills before your nuptial vows to buffer what is ahead.

Relationship support programme

Couples Stories

Prior to being married to Ms G, I thought that she would be able to change from all the things that I irked. I had some hesitation and cold feet as we had constant arguments about little things like how we should exercise and do activities together even though we had similar interests. G seemed to be demanding in her ways and wanted to control my life, such as who I hung out with and how much time I spent with my friend. However, she always apologised first after our quarrel, which was a redeeming factor. We were together for 4 years and I could not bring up the topic of breaking up. We have already acquired a flat together. After our wedding, our dating relationship transited into a stormy one with regular quarrels from housework, to time spent with in- laws, to what we eat during meals and how we like to spend our money. Our marriage ended up in divorce after 8 years. On hindsight, it could have been better if we had sought counselling prior to marriage, to decide if we are really suited together and if we could really work out the issues and be able to take ownership to change.

Mr P Tay

My husband tends to keep quiet and avoid resolving issues in the family. We are from different cultural family backgrounds; he is from Thailand and I’m a local. We have differing opinions in the way we raise our children. He also tends to spend a lot of time on his devices. I’m concerned how it would affect our children. I wonder why we have spent so much time watching movies, window shopping and eating when we were dating. I wished we had more opportunities to learn and communicate with each other, find out and resolve differences from our different backgrounds during our dating period instead.

P. Chongrak

Relationship and Life coaching services at NGNR